Designing, coding and debugging Java Rich Client and Java EE Applications

Monday, 4 May 2009

JavaFX is about to liftoff!

I was taking a more serious look at JavaFX recently and I found that it seemed not quite ready yet for "real" applications.
Where "real" applications means applications that do more than showing off JavaFX's (impressive) animation and effects features.

However that seems to change soon, as Joshua Marinacci points out in the Java Posse Google group.

The next version of JavaFX will be launched around the time of Java One and will feature:
  • Improved layout capabilities (most likely new layout managers)
  • A more complete set of controls
  • Most likely improved performance

And the strange bug (or design anomaly) that "or" has precedence over "and" probably will be fixed as well.

JavaFX is still taking some time to appear in a stable and complete manner but the feature set and ease of
use is impressive. So my money is on JavaFX right now has the general GUI framework for desktop and RIA.
It will for sure replace Swing and hopefully it will take a good chunk away from AJAX/webapp market as well.

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